The Impact of Job Satisfaction on Employee Performance (The Case of Construction Companies in Indonesia)
Cicih Ratnasih1*, Kasmawati2, Zulher2, & Suarni Norawati2
1Universitas Borobudur, Indonesia
2STIE Bangkinang, Indonesia
This research discusses what variables can affect employee job satisfaction and have an impact on employee work. The variables are conflicts of roles, authorities, job satisfaction, and performance. The purpose of this study is to find out how much direct and indirect influence on the performance of employees of construction companies. The analysis method used is path analysis, this is considered more suitable for primary data taken with research instruments in the form of questionnaires to respondents who are in these companies. The results of the research obtained are conflicts of roles and authorities that have a direct influence on job satisfaction and have a direct and indirect influence on performance. Meanwhile, job satisfaction has a direct impact on employee performance, therefore construction companies are expected to pay attention to employee job satisfaction, to improve employee performance, which is expected by the company. Job satisfaction is an affective or emotional response to various facets or aspects of a person’s work so job satisfaction is not a single concept. A person can be relatively satisfied with one aspect of the work and dissatisfied with one or more other aspects. Job satisfaction is a positive attitude of labor to its work, which arises on the basis of an assessment of the work situation.
Keywords: Conflicts in roles, authorities, job satisfaction, and employee performance.
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