Da’wah Infrastructure Based on Maqasid Syariah according to al-Quran and al-Hadith

Azizul Azra A. Razak1*, Mohd. Hisyam A. Rahim, and Hafizah A. Jalil
1, 2, 3
Universiti Tun Hussein Onn, Johor, Malaysia
DOI – http://doi.org/10.37502/IJSMR.2022.5704


There are various syariah compliant products specifically premises which run particular services and these products are the focus of international interest, especially from the Middle East. Nonetheless, certain problems arise when some products do not seem to practise full Islamic values in terms of the preparation of the infrastructure, services, ethics, and food at premises. In particular, in Malaysia, the practice of syariah compliance as requires a mechanism or yardstick of dakwah infrastructure which is related to maqasid syariah principles such as al-daruriyyat, al-hajiyyat and al-tahsiniyyat as a reference of implementation in other places. This is because the measurement according to maqasid principles is vital in order to ensure full syariah compliance so that the objectives of Islamic dakwah could be fulfilled. This paper is qualitative in nature and it follows the design of document analysis. The findings indicated that the criteria of syariah-compliant dakwah infrastructure should be scrutinised to enable its compliance to be measured based on maqasid syariah principles. Additionally, other premises could also follow the same benchmarking system by referring to the specific criteria in line with the syariah requirements.


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