Workload, Emotional Intelligence and Professional Stress Level among Employees of Private Commercial Companies in Abidjan

GOUBO Aka René
Lecturer, Department of Psychology, Félix Houphouët Boigny University of Cocody – Ivory Coast


This study allows us to assess the stress level of employees in private commercial enterprises in Abidjan, based on workload and emotional intelligence. To this end, a sample of sixty employees selected by the onsite sampling method was subjected to a questionnaire. Processing the results using the student “t” technique for independent samples indicates that employees with a high workload have a high level of stress compared to their counterparts with a normal workload. Also, employees who do not have the ability to use their emotional intelligence have a high level of stress compared to their emotionally intelligent colleagues. ‘This study will enable managers of these private commercial companies to best manage the stress of their employees by taking into account the workloads entrusted to them and the implementation of their emotional intelligence.

Keywords: Workload, emotional intelligence, professional stress.


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