The Effect of Work from Home on Workload and Employee Burnout and Their Implications on Banda Aceh Primary Tax Service Office

*Roshita Hastuty, Mahdani, & Teuku Roli Ilhamsyah Putra
Management Department, Universitas Syiah Kuala, Indonesia


This study is about the effect of work from home (WFH) on workload and employee burnout and its implications on the performance of the employees of the Banda Aceh Primary Tax Service Office (KPP Pratama Banda Aceh). This study used a sample of 108 KPP Pratama Banda Aceh employees. Data was collected using a questionnaire and was analyzed using SEM-AMOS. The results prove that the implementation of WFH implemented by KPP Pratama Banda Aceh has a negative effect on the workload borne by employees, the implementation of WFH implemented by KPP Pratama Banda Aceh has a negative effect on employee burnout, the implementation of WFH by KPP Pratama Banda Aceh has a negative effect on employee performance, the workload experienced by employees also reduces the ability of KPP Pratama Banda Aceh employees to give their best performance, employee burnout also reduces the ability of KPPP employees Banda Aceh to give their best performance, Workload partially mediates the WFH implementation effect on the performance of KPP Pratama Banda Aceh employees, and Employee burnout does not mediate the WFH implementation effect on the performance of KPP Pratama Banda Aceh employees. These findings explain that the model for improving employee performance for KPP Pratama Banda Aceh employees is a function of the effectiveness of WFH which has a role in reducing workload and employee burnout which has an impact on increasing employee performance.

Keywords: Work from Home, Workload, Employee Burnout, Employee Performance


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