The Effect of Perceived Retail Service Quality, Emotional Value, and Image on Customer Loyalty at Public Gas Stations (SPBU) In Banda Aceh City: Customer Satisfaction as an Intervening Variable
*Azkar Fonna, Muhammad Adam, & Teuku Roli Ilhamsyah Putra
Management Department, Universitas Syiah Kuala, Indonesia
This study aims to test the effect of Perceived Retail Service Quality (SQ), Emotional Value, and image on customer loyalty at public gas stations (SPBU) in Banda Aceh, with customer satisfaction as an intervening variable. The researcher used a simple random sampling technique and determined the number of representative samples by using the formula for the number of indicators multiplied by 10 so that a sample of 250 people was obtained. Data were collected by distributing questionnaires. The research model was analyzed using SEM-AMOS. The results prove that Perceived Retail SQ affects Satisfaction, Emotional Value affects Satisfaction, Image affects Satisfaction, Perceived Retail SQ affects Loyalty, Emotional Value affects Loyalty, Image affects Loyalty, Satisfaction affects Loyalty, Satisfaction partially mediates the Perceived Retail SQ effect on Loyalty, Satisfaction partially mediates the Emotional Value effect on Loyalty, and Satisfaction partially mediates the Image effect on Loyalty. This finding means that the model of increasing Customer Loyalty at the Banda Aceh public gas stations is a function of increasing Perceived Retail SQ, increasing Emotional Value, strengthening image, and increasing customer satisfaction.
Keywords: Perceived Ritel Service Quality, Emotional Value, Image, Customer Loyalty, Customer Satisfaction
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