Nurse Performance in Dr. Zainal Abidin Hospital Banda Aceh with Job Crafting as a Mediation Variable

*Siti Merinda, Nurdasila, & M Shabri Abd Majid
Management Department, Universitas Syiah Kuala, Indonesia


This study aims to examine the job satisfaction and performance models of nurses with job crafting as a mediating variable, with work-life balance, and emotional intelligence as antecedents. This study was conducted on the people of Banda Aceh City who had been patients at the Zainal Abidin Regional General Hospital (RSUDZA) located in the city of Banda Aceh, Indonesia. The population was RSUDZA nurses totaling 520 people who are distributed in 23 treatment rooms. The sampling technique was probability sampling and the number was determined with the Slovin formula providing 226 respondents and it was following the requirements for using the SEM statistical method through AMOS software. Data were collected by distributing questionnaires. The results prove that work-life balance and emotional intelligence affect job crafting at RSUDZA nurses, work-life balance, emotional intelligence, and job crafting affect job satisfaction of RSUDZA nurses, work-life balance, emotional intelligence, and job crafting affect the performance of RSUDZA nurses, work-life balance and emotional intelligence affects the job satisfaction of RSUDZA nurses through job crafting as a mediating variable, and work-life balance and emotional intelligence affect the performance of RSUDZA nurses through job crafting as a mediating variable.

Keywords: Work-Life Balance, Emotional Intelligence, Job Crafting, Job Satisfaction, Employee Performance.


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