Determinants of Exchange and Inflation on the Share Price of Sharia Companies in the LQ45 Index In 2020

Elfina Yenti1, & Revi Candra2*
1Faculty of Islamic Economic and Business, Batusangkar Islamic Institute, Indonesia
2 Faculty of Islamic Economic and Business, Batusangkar Islamic Institute, Indonesia


This study was conducted to examine the effects of exchange rate and inflation on the stock prices of companies listed on the LQ45 index in 2020. The research method uses a quantitative descriptive approach using the secondary data sources of the Stock Exchange of Indonesia and the Bank of Indonesia. Analyze the data using multiple linear regression tests. Hypothesis testing uses experimental and F-test and coefficient of determination test. The results show that the exchange rate affects the company’s share price in the LQ45 index 2020. Inflation did not affect stock prices in Q45 of 2020. At the same time, exchange rates and inflation affected stock prices in Q45 of 2020.

Keywords: Exchange Rate, Inflation, Stock Price.


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