The Meaning Construction of Covid-19 Phenomenon among the Junior High School Students in the City of South Tangerang

Vania Utamie Subiakto
Mercu Buana University, Meruya Selatan Street No.1, Kembangan, West Jakarta and 11650, Indonesia


The research aims is to know how the meaning of Covid-19 phenomenon at the students of State 20 Junior High Schools in the City of South Tangerang as the phenomenological review of the socialite meaning construction in the city socialites. Then, the sub-focus of the research covers the social values of the Covid-19 phenomenon, the motive behind the Covid-19 phenomenon, and the art factual message of the Covid-19 phenomenon for the given at junior high school students. In conducting of research, the researcher has used qualitative approach using the phenomenology method, while the data have been collected through the following techniques: (1) documentation; (2) in- depth interview; (3) library study; (4) observation; and (5) online data search. Within the study, six informants have been selected with the first informant and the sixth informant as the key informants; in this regard, the two informants serve as the individuals who understand the self-concept toward the life phenomena of the students at State 20 Junior High School the City of South Tangerang in relation to the Covid-19 Pandemic. After the data have been collected, the data have been analyzed by the writer using through the following phases: (1) data reduction; (2) data presentation; and (3) conclusion drawing/verification. The validity of these data have been measured through the use of data triangulation, reference, and member-checking activities.

Keywords: The meaning of construction, phenomenology, Covid-19, students,  City of South Tangerang


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