Insights for Teaching Career Preference among (CTP) Certificate of Teaching Proficiency Students of LSPU: Basis for a Proposed CTP Handbook

Rosario G. Catapang, PhD & August V. Tuiza, EdD
Laguna State Polytechnic University, Philippines


This study entitled “Insights for Teaching Career preference among (CTP) Certificate of Teaching Proficiency Students of LSPU: Basis for a Proposed Handbook aimed to find out the level of preference of non-education graduates in getting into teaching career. Specifically, it sought answers to the following questions: 1. what is the profile of the respondents in terms of age and sex? 2. What is their insight on the nature of teaching as to profession, arts and sciences, ministry and vocation? 3. What is the level of preference in getting into teaching career in terms of noble profession, lifelong learning, social concern, and commitment to profession? 4. Is the insight on the nature of teaching profession significantly related on the preference in getting into teaching career among the non- education graduates?

This study utilized the descriptive method of research in describing the insights on the nature of the teaching profession and the preference of non-education graduates in getting into the teaching career. It was conducted in Laguna State Polytechnic University, Sta. Cruz Campus particularly in the College of Teacher Education. There fifty six (56) students CTP students who were enrolled from Academic 2017-2018 to 2019-2020 but only forty-two (42) of them was able to make response to the questionnaire distributed.

The findings of the study revealed that the non-education graduates enrolled in Certificate in Teaching Proficiency (CTP) program has a very high level of understanding in the insights on the nature of teaching profession as well as their preference in getting into teaching career which means that they are highly motivated to pursue the Degree of Education. However, the insights about teaching as a profession and vocation establish a no significant relationship to their preference in getting into teaching career as reflected by the indicators such as noble profession, life-long learning, social concern and commitment, while their insights on the nature of teaching profession as to arts and sciences and ministry convey a significant relationship particularly in terms of commitment.

It is therefore concluded that career adaptability of the CTP students on teaching profession should be the desire to fulfill their career assignments once graduated from the Certificate of Teaching Proficiency Program and Handbook about the insights on teaching profession must be made focusing on work-engagement and commitment.

Keywords: teaching career, certificate of teaching proficiency, noble profession, work engagement, commitment.


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