The Problem of Universals: Contrasting Plato’s Metaphysical Realism with David Lewis’ Class Nominalism

Rev. Fr. Joseph T. Ekong, O.P, Ph. D
Associate Professor of Philosophy, Dominican University, Ibadan, Nigeria


In this paper, my aim is to discuss the problem of universals, based on some relevant works of Plato and David Lewis. Using a critical, analytic approach, I shall opt for Plato’s Metaphysical realism, and then argue that despite the seeming persuasiveness of the nominalist (David Lewis’) perspective, there are still substantive reasons to reject it, given its inadequacy both in grounding our epistemic claims, and in giving an account of how we come to know whatever we may know. My conclusion will consist in asking the class nominalist to reconsider, and possibly revise his presuppositions, conceptual schemes and discursive framework, in order to contribute more constructively, to the discussion on the problem of universals.

Keywords: Metaphysical realism, Class nominalism, Universals, Plato, David Lewis.


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