The Effect of Organizational Commitment and Service Quality on Patient Satisfaction Mediated by Employee Performance in Tgk.Abdullah Syafi’i Beureunuen Regional General Hospital

*Aci Erfiyan, Muhammad Adam, T. Meldi Kesuma
Management Department, Universitas Syiah Kuala, Indonesia


This study examines the effect of organizational commitment and service quality on patient satisfaction mediated by employee performance IN the Tgk. Abdullah Syafi’i Beureunuen Regional General Hospital (TAS Hospital). The population was 34,759 people consisting of inpatients and outpatients at the TAS Hospital in 2021. Sampling was determined using 5 x 30 indicators so that a total sample of 150 people is obtained. The research model was analyzed using the PLS model. The results explain that organizational commitment affects employee performance, service quality affects employee performance, organizational commitment does not affect patient satisfaction, service quality does not affect patient satisfaction, employee performance affects patient satisfaction, organizational commitment affects patient satisfaction through employee performance, and service quality affects Patient Satisfaction through Employee Performance. The model test also proves that the employee’s performance functions as a full mediator. Thus, this tested model explains that the model for increasing patient satisfaction at RSUD TAS is a function of strengthening commitment, improving service quality, and improving employee performance.

Keywords: Organizational Commitment, Service Quality, Employee Performance, Patient Satisfaction.


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