Library Services Utilization and Teacher Education Students ‘Academic Performance in Selected State Universities in Region III, Philippines

1 Camia A. Lasig and 2Leila M. Collantes
1Graduate Student, CLSU, Science City of Munoz, Nueva Ecija, Philippines
2Faculty, College of Education, CLSU, Science City of Munoz, Nueva Ecija, Philippines


This study primarily determined the utilization of various library services by teacher education students and their academic performance. The study covered the libraries of Central Luzon State University and Tarlac State University during the second semester of academic year 2018–2019. A survey questionnaire was utilized in gathering the needed data. Statistical analysis employed the use of the following: frequency counts, percentages, mean, standard deviation, Pearson r, and multiple linear regression.

The majority of the teacher education students were found to have a very good grade point average from the previous semester. The father’s highest educational attainment showed a strong positive correlation with academic performance. On the contrary, the mother’s occupation and monthly family income had weak to moderate negative correlations. The perceived usefulness of using the library into the academic works by teacher education students revealed a moderate positive correlation. Library satisfaction was found to have a moderate positive correlation with students’ academic performance. Fathers educational attainment, utilization, and satisfaction with library services were found to be positive predictors of students’ academic performance. However, the mother’s occupation and monthly family income seemed not variable predictors of students’ academic performance in the context of library utilization.

Keywords: Socio-demographic profile, Library utilization, Library services satisfaction, Student academic performance.


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