Translation-Based Instructional Material in Mathematics and Problem-Solving Abilities of Grade 5 Pupils

Myda Rose P. Ocampo1, & Anna Liza P. Del Rosario2*
1Department of Education, Plaridel Elementary School, Philippines
2College of Teacher Education, Laguna State Polytechnic University, Philippines


Problem-solving skill refers to the ability to solve difficulties efficiently and without hindrances. It entails identifying and defining the problem, developing a strategy, creating different solutions, evaluating and selecting the best alternative, implementing the chosen solution, and re-checking the solution by reviewing the process. Learning how to translate situations, tables, graphs, and formulas (symbolic) is a big help in creating differentiated activities that will help students improve their problem-solving skills. To back up this claim, this study included the use of translation action in a prepared instructional material and evaluated its impact on increasing students’ problem-solving abilities. During the academic year 2020-2021, thirty (30) Grade five students participated in the study, which used a one group pre-test and post-test research design to achieve the study’s aims. The results revealed a substantial difference between the student-respondents’ pre-test and post-test performance, implying that the translation activity aided students in improving their problem-solving abilities. This means that they were able to reach suitable mastery to mastery level of performance from the beginning to the end of the problem-solving process. In addition, in this time of pandemic, the usage of the designed instructional material encourages students to participate in more activities. Teachers should utilize the translation-based instructional material as an additional worksheet, according to the study, because it can assist students improve their mathematics skills and talents in answering word problems.

Keywords – Translation Action, Problem-Solving Abilities, Translation-Based Instructional Material, Situations, Table, Graph, Formula


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