The Effect of Sharia Trust and Compliance on Consumer Loyalty through Commitment and Customer Intimacy in PT Bank Aceh Sharia
*Iskandar A, Muhammad Adam, & Mukhlis
Management Department, Universitas Syiah Kuala, Indonesia
This study aims to examine the effect of trust and sharia compliance on consumer loyalty through commitment and customer intimacy at PT Bank Aceh Syariah Operational Headquarters (BAS-KPO). The population is all BAS-KPO customers, totaling 300,078 customers. The sample was determined using a simple random sampling technique so that a total sample of 260 people was obtained. The measurement scale used is the Likert Summarated Rating Scale. The research model was analyzed using SEM-AMOS statistical equipment. The test results prove that trust and sharia compliance affect commitment, customer intimacy, and consumer loyalty; Trust, sharia compliance, commitment, and customer intimacy affect consumer loyalty; and commitment and customer intimacy partially mediate the effect of trust and sharia compliance on BAS-KPO consumer loyalty. This finding reveals that the model of increasing consumer loyalty in BAS-KPO is a function of increasing trust, sharia compliance, commitment, and customer intimacy. These findings prove that this research model can be the basis for the development of further research models, and for practical references, especially research subjects to review their strategies.
Keywords: Trust, Sharia Compliance, Commitment, Customer Intimacy, Consumer Loyalty
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