The Concept of Curvature in Fiber Bundles
Abdel Radi Abdel Rahman Abdel Gadir Abael Raman1, Safia Abd Elrabman Jameel Mohammed2 & Abdelhakam Hassan Mohammed Tahir3
1,2Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Education, Omdurman Islamic University, Omdurman, Sudan
3Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Education, Alsalam University, Alfula, Sudan
Many basic concepts in theoretical physics can be interpreted in terms of fiber bundles. A fiber bundle is a manifold that locally looks like a product manifold. The well-known examples are the tangent and the cotangent bundles. The aim of this paper is to discuss and explain the concept of curvature in fiber bundles. We followed the analytical induction mathematical method and we found that the curvature is very important concept in fiber bundles. We use Theory of fiber bundles to illustrate the structure homogenous algebras.
Keywords: Concept, Curvature, Fiber Bundles, Manifold.
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