Implementation of Islamic Work Ethics, Organizational Climate, and Organizational Political Perceptions on Institutional Strengthening, Organizational Commitments as Mediations

*Zulfazli, Muhammad Adam, & Mukhlis Yunus

Management Department, Universitas Syiah Kuala, Indonesia


This study aims to examine the effect of Islamic Work Ethics, Organizational Climate, Perception of Organizational Politics, Organizational Commitment, and Institutional Strengthening. This research was conducted on members of the Pidie Regency People’s Representative Council (DPRK Pidie), Indonesia. The intended population was a total of 40 people. The sample was taken using a census technique where the population was used as a sample. Data were analyzed using the Partial Least Square (PLS) method. The results show that Islamic Work Ethics affects Commitment, Organizational Climate affects Commitment, Organizational Political Perceptions does not affect on Commitment, Islamic Work Ethics does not affect Institutional Strengthening, Organizational Climate affects Institutional Strengthening, Perception of Organizational Politics does not affect Institutional Strengthening, Commitment affects Institutional Strengthening, Commitment fully mediates the Islamic Work Ethics effect on Institutional Strengthening, Commitment does not mediate the Organizational Climate effect on Institutional Strengthening, and Commitment does not mediate the Organizational Political Perception effect on Institutional Strengthening. These findings prove that it turns out that the institutional improvement model is a function of increasing the strengthening of Islamic Work Ethics and Organizational Climate Conformity, and Increasing Commitment, where Commitment serves as a full mediator on the role model of Islamic Work Ethics on institutional Strengthening.  Meanwhile, organizational politics perception does not play a significant role in the model.

Keywords: Islamic Work Ethics, Organizational Climate, Perceptions of Organizational Politics, Organizational Commitment, Institutional Strengthening


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