Determinants of Entrepreneurial Intention among National Diploma Students of Polytechnics in South-Western Nigeria

Abdulazeez, Khadijat Bolaji (PhD)
Office Technology and Management Department, Federal Polytechnic, Bauchi, Nigeria


The purpose of the study was to find out the determinants of entrepreneurial intention among National Diploma Students of Polytechnics in South-Western Nigeria. Specifically, the study addressed five research questions and five null hypotheses. The design for the study was descriptive survey design. The population of the study was made up of 5,932. Purposive random sampling technique was used to select five hundred and seventy seven (577) students from the fourteen polytechnics using Yaro Yamane’s formular for determining sample size.  A structured questionnaire, namely MVEIQ used for data collection were adapted from six different people. The MVEIQ comprises of 49 items and was meant to measure their agreement level. Results obtained in the pilot tested questionnaire revealed that the study’s instrument was reliable.  Data collected was analyzed using SPSS (Version 21). Findings of the study revealed that the five variables had influence on student’s entrepreneurial intentions.   All the hypotheses tested using multiple regression at 0.05 level of significance,   revealed that there were significant contribution of the variables in the model.  Based on the findings, it was recommended that Federal government in collaboration with State governments should provide scholarships/bursaries for performing students by way of encouragement. All barriers to entry should be taken into consideration by stakeholders in developing the entrepreneurial intentions of Polytechnics students.

Keywords: Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurship education, Entrepreneurial Intention.


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