Climate change and CO2 Carbon dioxide
Koumbakis Basilios
Mechanical Engineer, Thessaloniki, Greece
This paper is about climate change, its relationship with carbon dioxide, the Greenhouse Effect and Renewable Energy Sources. Through a historical reference, the original view of the Greenhouse Effect is introduced, while based on facts of greenhouse gases and solar radiation is been proved the unrelated interconnection of the “accused” gas with the accusations against it. Factors responsible for the increase in temperature in ambient air are examined and their contribution to this increase is calculated. Also, is been examined the operation of the most known renewable energy sources and their contribution to the increase of the air temperature, as well as, their contribution to intense weather phenomena. The paper responds factually to the causes that create the changes in the climate and raises questions about the policy pursued on this issue, in the direction of solving the problem or reducing its impact. The aim of the project is to present to the general public, the scientific community and politicians, different from conventional facts, so that they have in their hands a tool for better use of renewable energy sources and real protection of the environment.
Keywords: climate change, greenhouse effect, renewable energy
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