The Role Of The Family In Educating The Character Of Elementary School Age Children In Ciseureuh Village, Purwakarta Regency

Imam Tabroni1*, & Misbahul Khair2
Department of Islamic Education, STAI Dr. KH. EZ. Muttaqien, Purwakarta, Indonesia
Department of Islamic Education, STAI Dr. KH. EZ. Muttaqien, Purwakarta, Indonesia


Character values that are instilled in the family in elementary school-aged children in the Ciseureuh village. The method of instilling character values in the family. The implications of applying this method to the character of elementary school-aged children in the Ciseureuh village. The Grand Theory Lickona Theory, Thomas. There are three components of good character proposed by Lickona Moral consciousness. Middle Theory of the Ministry of National Education and Culture. The research method used is descriptive with a qualitative approach. through interviews, observations and documentation studies. Data comes from interview scripts, field notes, photos, videos, tapes, personal documents, notes or memos, and other official documents through primary and secondary data. Data analysis techniques through data before going to the field, when in the field and processing data. so that conclusions can be drawn. The results of the research on the role of parents are to give examples, get used to, give orders, give reprimands, and give instructions. The method used by the family is the uswatun hasanah method, habituation, punishment, stories. Constraints First, some children have low self-confidence, second, some students have low motivation in the learning process, third, some students are passive in participating in learning in class, Fourth, some students are indifferent, Family support is first, becomes the basis for character building children before entering the community. second, apply the rules, regulations and discipline as appropriate. Third, being a place of refuge from disturbances that can threaten children, both threats from fellow friends and threats from outside the family. Fourth, provide provision of skills and expertise according to the talents and interests of students. Fifth, give empathy and compassion to others. Sixth, inheriting the noble values of the nation’s culture. The results of the implications of applying the method are: Children are critical, Children are disciplined, Children are responsible.

Keywords: Family Role, Character Education, Elementary School Children.


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