Textile Egypt Company: Understanding Family Challenges
Dr. Ashraf Sheta,1 Suzanna Hanafy, Sara El kafrawy, Laila Hamada, Shada Emara, Salma Mahmoud, & Youssef El Gouhary
1Visiting Assistant Professor, The American University in Cairo, Egypt
DOI – http://doi.org/10.37502/IJSMR.2022.5219
This case is about Textile Egypt which was established in 1991 and is located at the 10th of Ramadan (Cairo, Egypt). The business is considered to be a family business however they also have outside partners too. Two brothers from the Deeb family (Karim and Seif) partnered up with their friends who are also two brothers from the Shalaby family (Omar and Mohamed). The case is displaying the evolution of Textile Egypt, and the challenges facing the partners, as well the internal dynamics of the family members. The case starts with an overview about how the dispute between the two family partners’ ignited, and what was the main reason behind it. It moves on to a brief about the company background, and the historical relation between the two partner families. It also gives some details about the textile industry in Egypt, and then moves on to the challenges related to the family business. The case ends up with dilemmas within the mind of the protagonist Karim El Deeb where he is supposed to choose between different alternatives.
Keywords: Family business, Family dynamics, Governance, Succession, Professionalism, Strategy, Culture
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