Leadership Intelligence and Organizational Performance of Deposit Money Banks in Rivers State, Nigeria
Taiye Eletu Issa1 and Emmanuel Aziegbe Akhigbe2
1,2Department of Management, University of Port Harcourt. Port Harcourt, Nigeria
DOI – http://doi.org/10.37502/IJSMR.2022.5202
The relationship between leadership intelligence and organizational performance of deposit money banks in Rivers State, Nigeria was investigated in this study. The study used a cross-sectional survey, with a total population of 215 employees from twenty deposit money banks. A total of 140 employees were chosen from the population as a sample size. In order to obtain data from the employees, a random sampling approach was used, and questionnaires were sent to respondents. The Pearson Product Moment Correlation was used to analyse the data. According to the findings, the aspects of leadership intelligence (emotional intelligence and interpersonal intelligence) have a substantial and favourable association with organizational reputation and goal attainment. As a result, the study found that having strong leadership intelligence among deposit money bank executives will improve the organization’s goal attainment and reputation. It was suggested, that deposit money bank managers attend training on a regular basis in order to improve their intelligence, since this would help boost the performance of the firm.
Keywords: leadership intelligence, organizational performance
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