The Effect of Leadership and Competence on the Human Resources Management Practice and Their Impact on the Work Unit Procurement of Goods and Services in Aceh Selatan

Tumiga Fadlan, Nadirsyah*, & T. Meldi Kesuma
Management Department, Universitas Syiah Kuala, Indonesia


This study intends to examine the leadership and competence effect on the human resource management (HRM) practice and their impact on the goods and services procurement work unit (UKPBJ) in Aceh Selatan district. The respondents were all UKPBJ employees and all employees of the Department/Agency involved in the process and implementation of the procurement of goods and services at the Aceh Selatan Regency government, totaling 184 people, all were civil servants. Data were collected by distributing online questionnaires. The data was measured using a Likert scale and tested through the SEM-AMOS software. The descriptive test prove that all variables in this research have been running well in UKPBJ Aceh Selatan. The direct effect test prove that leadership and competence have a positive and significant effect on the HRM Practice which is dimensioned by Knowledge-Skill-Ability (KSA), increasing motivation, and increasing opportunities. Leadership, Competence, and HRM Practice (KSA, Increased Motivation, and Increased Opportunities) have a positive and significant impact on UKPBJ Performance. The HRM Practice partially mediates the leadership and competence effect on the UKPBJ Performance.

Keywords: Leadership, Competence, HRM Practice, UKPBJ Performance


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