Community Empowerment Strategy in Facing Global Recession on South Sulawesi MSMEs Innovation

St. Hatidja1, Syarifuddin2, Junaidin3, Hasniati4, Arnida5, Wahyudi Putera6, & Indah Lestari Yahya7

1,2,3,4(Department of Economic Management, STIE AMKOP Makassar, South Sulawesi, Indonesia)
5(Department of Management Economics, Handayani University, South Sulawesi, Indonesia)
6(Department of Economic Education, Makassar State University, South Sulawesi, Indonesia)
7(Department of Industrial Engineering, Indonesian Muslim University, South Sulawesi, Indonesia)


Global recession is a hot topic of discussion of the global public including Indonesia the increasing risk of a global recession and said that inflation remains an ongoing problem, The economic slowdown will make the real sector restrain production capacity so that termination of employment companies close not operating, inflation investors tend to put their funds in the form of investment. The economy is increasingly difficult to have an impact on the weakening of the community’s economy, the empowerment process occurs, participation, community participation so that it is effective. The role of the community in empowerment activities, with a focus as an MSME business actor which is an effort by participants and the community is able to innovate and be competitive in facing a recession, as for, the objectives of the community empowerment strategy, enabling and bathing from the impact of the global recession, as well as competitive empowerment in meeting insufficient life needs. MSME innovation in facing the global recession of society, innovating and applying competitiveness. Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Activities in South Sulawesi. The main problem, When is the strategy and community empowerment able to innovate in MSMEs in South Sulawesi, the results and discussion, The balance of consumption becomes the basis of economic growth. When consumption is unbalanced, there is an economic cycle. Coupled with MSME innovation, it will result in inventory of goods. So the sudden economic shock, when the Covid-19 pandemic was one of the causes of the global economic recession weak purchasing power due to financial difficulties with Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) with corporations need to continue to be developed and able to make innovations in all regions of Indonesia, especially in the south by relying on local superior products and paying attention to potential and improving quality and innovation MSMEs. In conclusion, we can anticipate the impact of the recession by innovating MSMEs in community empowerment strategies as well as evaluating spending and following economic developments in South Sulawesi.

Keywords: Empowerment Strategy, MSME Innovation, Global Recession


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