Analysis of Position Based on Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scales (Bars) and Personnel Capacity on Career Development and Its Implications on the Aceh Selatan Regional Secretariat Employee Performance

Endang Kurniawati, Said Musnadi, & T. Meldi Kesuma*
Management Department, Universitas Syiah Kuala, Indonesia


This study examines the role of positions based on the Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scales (BARS) and the ability of civil servants to develop careers and their implications for the performance of Aceh Selatan Regional Secretariat employees. The sampling technique used was the census. Thus the number of samples was 145 which is all ASN in the Aceh Selatan Regional Secretariat. Data were analyzed using the SEM-AMOS statistical tool. The results conclude that BARS-Based Position, Apparatus Capabilities, Apparatus career development, and Regional Secretariat Apparatus Performance are good, BARS-Based Position and Apparatus Capability affect the career development, BARS-Based Position does not affect Regional Secretariat Apparatus Performance, Apparatus Capability and Apparatus Career Development affect Regional Secretariat Apparatus Performance, Apparatus career development mediates the full influence of BARS-Based Position on Regional Secretariat Apparatus Performance, and apparatus career development partially mediates the influence of Apparatus Capability on Regional Secretariat Apparatus Performance.

Keywords: Behaviourally Anchored Rating Scales-Based Positions, Apparatus Capability, Career Development, and Employee Performance.


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