The Influence of Organizational Learning on Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment and Its Implications on Employee Performance at the Department Of Marine Affairs and Fisheries of Aceh
*Cut Nurul Zahria M, Nurdasila, & Mahdani Ibrahim
Management Department, Universitas Syiah Kuala, Indonesia
This study examines organizational learning on job satisfaction and commitment and its implications on employee performance. The population was 226 employees in the Department of Marine Affairs and Fisheries of Aceh (DKP Aceh), and the sample was taken using the Slovin formula resulting in 177 respondents. The sample was determined thru simple random sampling. The research model was tested using SEM-AMOS and Sobel Test. The result proves that in the DKP Aceh the organizational learning, satisfaction, commitment, and employee performance are good, Organizational learning affects satisfaction of the DKP Aceh employees, organizational learning affects commitment of the DKP Aceh employees, organizational learning affects the performance of the DKP Aceh employees, satisfaction affects the performance of the DKP Aceh employees, commitment does not affect the performance of the DKP Aceh employees, Satisfaction can mediate partially the organizational learning effect on performance of the DKP Aceh employees, and commitment cannot mediate the organizational learning effect on the performance of the DKP Aceh employees. These results prove that academically, the model for improving employee performance is a function of improving organizational learning and satisfaction.
Keywords: Organizational Learning, Job Satisfaction, Organizational Commitment, Employee Performance
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