The Effect of Religiosity and Job Placement on Work Loyalty through Work Motivation of Employees of Bank Aceh Syariah Tapak Tuan Aceh Selatan Branch

*Khalil Gibran, Said Musnadi, & Teuku Roli Ilhamsyah Putra
Management Department, Universitas Syiah Kuala, Indonesia


This study aims to analyze the effect of religiosity and job placement on work loyalty mediated by work motivation. This research was conducted at Bank Aceh Syariah Tapak Tuan Aceh Selatan Branch (BAS Asel Branch), with a population of 150 people. To determine the sample, the saturated sampling technique was used. Data were analyzed using AMOS-SEM statistical equipment. Data were collected by interviewing and distributing questionnaires. The results prove that Religiosity, Job Placement, Motivation, and Work loyalty of BAS Asel Branch have not gone well; significantly, religiosity and job placement affect work motivation and work loyalty, Work motivation affects work loyalty; and significantly Work motivation partially mediates the effect of religiosity and job placement on work loyalty at BAS Asel Branch. These results figure that the condition of implementing variables in the model in general is still not going well, and the model of improving BAS Asel Branch work loyalty is the functions of strengthening their religiosity, matching their job placements, and increasing their work motivation.

Keywords: Religiosity, Job Placement, Work Motivation, Work Loyalty


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