Analysis of Financial Capital, Human Capital, Capability Innovation on MSME Performance

Sri Hartati Setyowarni,1 & Setya Prihatiningtyas2
1,2Business Administration, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Hang Tuah University Surabaya, Indonesia


The MSME sector has shown increasing development and has even been able to support national economic growth. The Sidoarjo region in particular has considerable potential in an effort to maximize fishery products, especially marine fisheries through capture fisheries and brackish water fish cultivation. The abundance of milkfish with relatively cheap prices is the background for the emergence of a home industry (Home Industry) engaged in milkfish processing, with the aim that milkfish has a higher economic value. The number of MSMEs in Kalanganyar Village that is engaged in processing milkfish-based ingredients continues to increase. MSME business performance is influenced by several aspects, including finance, human resources, and innovation capabilities. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of the variables Financial Capital, Human Capital and Capability Innovation on the performance of MSMEs. This research was conducted on 30 SMEs processing milkfish in Kalanganyar, Kec. Sedati Kab. Sidoarjo. The results of this study show that financial capital, human capital and capability innovation affect the performance of MSMEs.

Keywords: Financial Capital, Human Capital, Capability Innovation, performance


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