Problems of Introduction and Evolution of Electronic Signature in Georgia and Topical Issues Regarding Their Solution
Genadi Iashvili1, Tinatin Iashvili2, Tamta Glonti3 & Besik Sherazadishvili4
1Doctor of Technical Sciences. Professor. Head of the Department of Public Administration and Electronic Business. Faculty of Business Technology, Georgian Technical University. (Tbilisi, Georgia).
2Academic Doctor of Social Sciences, Professor of the Department of Public Administration and Electronic Business, Faculty of Business Technology, Georgian Technical University. (Tbilisi, Georgia).
3Academic Doctor of Public Administration. Assistant Professor of the Department of Public Administration and Electronic Business, Faculty of Business Technology, Georgian Technical University. (Tbilisi, Georgia).
4Academic Doctor of Public Administration. Assot. Professor of the Department of Public Administration and Electronic Business, Faculty of Business Technology, Georgian Technical University. (Tbilisi, Georgia).
In the modern world, electronic services and their digital solutions are an easy way for citizens, the public and private sectors to solve existing issues.
Nowadays, various types of services are provided in a digital form in order to increase management efficiency and make systems more flexible, accessible and simple (ensuring growing success of any organization).
Especially against the background of the coronavirus pandemic, electronic communication and the rapid development of digital technology have become extremely important. The emergence of global information systems, in particular the Internet, has completely changed not only any person’s daily routine but also spiritual, intellectual life and business activity. The benefits and importance of the Internet have become apparent to the world, moved into a virtual space due to force majeure circumstances which affected daily life – personal and business relationships.
Digital democracy, as the peak of the quality of democracy, increases citizen involvement in making decisions on national issues, thus promoting more control and dynamism. It is noteworthy that, to some extent, the establishment of digital democracy and electronic governance is a result of information technology.
At present, success of any organization in any sector is essentially dependent on the management based on electronic components.
The paper considers the issue of electronic signature, namely it is noted that using technologies, the public sector seeks to make public goods available to citizens easily and quickly. It is also emphasized, that studying the situation in the public and private sectors in this aspect is very important in order to analyze the factual reality in Georgia.
This scientific article analyzes the problems relating to the introduction and evolution of electronic signature in Georgia and topical issues regarding their solution.
Keywords: electronic governance, electronic signature, introduction, public sector, private sector, electronic services.
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