Influence of teaching and learning aids on language learning in four selected schools of Mwense District in Luapula Province, Zambia
Lufeyo Chitondo
Rockview University, Lusaka, Zambia
This study was an attempt to investigate the influence of teaching and learning aids on language teaching as a foreign language in Mwense district of Zambia. The study sampled participants using purposive and simple random sampling methods to come up with a sample size of 121respondents. Interview guides were used to obtain qualitative data which was analysed using thematic analysis while quantitative data were collected using questionnaires which were analysed using descriptive statistics. The study employed a descriptive survey research design. The study revealed that the use of teaching aids is important because they help learners gain understanding through multiple impressions recoded through the eye, ear, touch and other series; they help a teacher overcome his physical difficulties of presenting subject matter, they encourage participation and they enhance communication skill while actively engaged in solving meaningful problems. Further the study revealed that teaching aids stimulate interest and serve as source of information, and make learning permanent. They attract and sustain attention, develop interest of learners, adjust learning climate and promote acceptance of an idea. Overly, the study revealed that teaching aids have influence on language learning process, teachers rarely used teaching aids even though these aids were there in school, teachers noted that lessons accompanied by teaching aids were more satisfying than those without and that time spent on a lesson accompanied with teaching aids was worthwhile and not equal to that which did not use teaching aids.
Keywords: Artifacts, audio-visual aids, axial coding, choral recitals, pedagogy.
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