E-government and E-governance: Various or Multifarious Concepts
Vepkhvia Grigalashvili
Assistant Professor; Faculty of Social Science, Education and Humanities; International Black Sea University; Tbilisi, Georgia
DOI – http://doi.org/10.37502/IJSMR.2022.5111
E-government and E-governance (as terms and as concepts) are often treated as synonymous and used interchangeably in the academic literature or formal documents. There is no universally accepted definition of both terms / or abstractions. Such conceptual uncertainty has a negative impact on the development of digital democracy. The research objective of this article is to provide a deeper understanding of e-government and e-governance concepts through empirical studies and scatter the existing ambiguity in differences between these two concepts as this variety is not just questions of academic nuance. Based on a comparative analysis of e-government and e-governance definitions and conceptual meanings, this article offers an approach according to which e-government and e-governance represents two closely related and co-existing various concepts.
Keywords: Electronic Government; Electronic Governance; Digital Governance; Digital Democracy; Digital Government.
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