Entrepreneurial Skills As The Vehicle For Nation Building: The Nigeria’s Perspective
Barnabas Gogo Pepple1, Kingsley Ala Wilcox 2, & Boma Orumbie3
1Department of Petroleum Marketing and Business Studies, Federal Polytechnic of Oil and Gas Bonny, Nigeria.
2Mathematics Department, RA International School Bonny-Island, Nigeria
3School of Business Studies and Management Technology, Federal Polytechnic of Oil and Gas Bonny, Nigeria.
DOI – http://doi.org/10.37502/IJSMR.2021.4807
This study was carried out on entrepreneurial skills as the vehicle for nation-building: The Nigeria’s perspective. The importance of entrepreneurship in the enhancement of economic functionality in recent times, cannot be overemphasized. This has made many nations of the world to consider entrepreneurship as one of the major drivers of their economy. Nigeria precisely is not excluded from the list. However, the impact of entrepreneurial programmes by the government has not yielded the desired result that is commensurate with the heavy investments, the government has made over the years. Training people on different businesses to understand the nature of such business and how such businesses can be traded is very important. However, failure to further train the entrepreneurs on the necessary skills needed to function and succeed in such business, especially in a dynamic business environment, will bring about little or no change in the state of the economy before the training was carried out. This study, therefore, considered the basic skills that the government must make effort to incorporate into the training scheme, in addition to the business knowledge, in other to enhance the needed result. Finally, the study made some recommendations that will further help to correct previous mistakes and thereby providing a better pace for the entrepreneurs to succeed.
Keywords: Entrepreneurship, Skill, Nation Building, Entrepreneurship skills, Creative thinking.
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