The Role of Takwin AL-DU’AT in Developing Professional DA’I: An Investigation from Tafsir Al-Manar

Azizul Azra Bin Abdul Razak 1*, Mohd Hisyam Bin Abdul Rahim 2
Department of Islamic Studies, General Education Centers and Co-Curiculum, Tun Hussein Onn University, Malaysia
Department of Islamic Studies, General Educarion Centers and Co-Curiculum Tun Hussein Onn University, Malaysia


Preachers in the Islamic sense are implementors for the purpose of amr ma’ruf nahy munkar. The main requirement for a preacher is to develop the personality as a da’i (takwin al-du’at) before he commits himself in dakwah activities professionally. However, in the Malaysian context, there is a lack of clarity regarding the development of the da’i personality especially from the analysis of the Quran. As such, this study aimed to focus on the development of the dai personality and to analyse the takwin al-du’at concept as written by Muhammad Abduh in his work, tafsir al-Manar. This study was conducted using library research by applying the data and content analysis method to achieve the research aims. The findings had identified a few important aspects in understanding how to develop the da’i personality according to the Quran. The study implication provided clear understanding on developing the da’i personality which should be further improved as an enhanced mechanism in the context of current dakwah situation.

Keywords: Personality, Dakwah, Da’I, Takwin al-Du’at.


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