Relationship between Professional Learning Community (PLC) Practices and Teachers’ Efficacy among Secondary School Teachers in Malaysia

Gunasegaran Karuppannan1, Hatnin Duari2, & Fazal Mohamed Mohamed Sultan3

  1. PhD in Education, Associate Professor Dr. and Deputy Dean in Centre for Graduate Studies, Universiti Selangor, Malaysia.
  2. EdD from Universiti Selangor, Malaysia. Head of Form Six program in Kota Marudu, Sabah, Malaysia.
  3. PhD in Applied Linguistics, Associate Professor, Dr. and Head of Cluster for Applied Linguistics at Universiti Kebangsaan, Malaysia
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The study was conducted to examine the relationship between the Professional Learning Community (PLC) practices and the level of teachers’ efficacy among Form Six (pre-university level) teachers in Malaysia. The study, conducted in four districts in Sabah, one of the states in Malaysia, was participated by 108 respondents. Findings show that there is a relationship between the PLC practices and teachers’ efficacy but at a moderately high level. However, there is no difference in terms of efficacy level based on the major area of teaching, and the similar outcome obtained from the perspective of subjects being taught. Findings also show that there is a difference based on teaching experiences. Teachers who have been in the service more than 10 years have high level of efficacy compared to those who has less than three years of teaching experiences. Based on the findings, the researcher able to conclude that PLC is part of the teaching and learning culture among the members of the school community while the relationship between the PLC practices and teachers’ efficacy is seen as a positive development and has significant role in determining the achievement of schools and the students at large.

Keywords: Pre-university, School community, Positive development, Education, Teaching and Learning activity.


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