Efforts to Improve SME Performance through Four-Dimensional Analysis of Network Framework Development Entrepreneurship (Study on SMEs in Bekasi)

Alfatih.S.M 1*, Munasiron, 2 Faizal, 3 & Nani Aryani 4
1Economic Faculty of Pembangunan Nasional Veteran University, Indonesia
2Economic Faculty of Pembangunan Nasional Veteran University, Indonesia
3Economic Faculty of Pembangunan Nasional Veteran University, Indonesia
4Economic Faculty of Pembangunan Nasional Veteran University, Indonesia
DOI – http://doi.org/10.37502/IJSMR.2021.4705


The specific target of this research is to improve the performance of SMEs in Bekasi by implementing an entrepreneurial network model that uses exploratory learning, encouraging efficient use of resources, increasing planning and implementation capacity to overcome complex problems, increasing sources of economic growth, creating jobs, increasing the network of cooperation (networking). Cooperating with business partners and increasing competitiveness, providing better services to clients and customers and not depending on imported products that weaken the people’s overall economic resilience. The research method used is to use a hypothesis because this research is all. The research method used is using a hypothesis because this research is an empirical research. Questionnaires will be distributed to 155 SMEs in Bekasi, where these questionnaires are tested for validity and reliability and then processed using PLS (Partial Least Square) so that the accuracy of the analysis tool can be reliable. The results of this study specifically for SMEs in Bekasi are support that the conditional aspects of entrepreneurial networks, a strong relationship between relationships and support for involvement in the external and internal environment are very important and collaborate with reliable human resource capabilities through exploratory learning will be able to improve the performance of SMEs, and this is a part that must be considered in the SME business strategy, so that the business can be sustainable and survive.

Keyword: Entrepreneur Network, Explorative Learning, External and Internal-Support.


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