Work Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment in Affecting Ocb and Its Impact on Civil Servant Performance of Regional Secretariat of Pidie Jaya District
Muhammad Ihsan, Nasir, Faisal
Management Department, Universitas Syiah Kuala, Indonesia
This study aimed to analyze the effect of work satisfaction and organizational commitment on civil servant performance both directly and indirectly through organizational citizenship behavior (OCB). The number of research respondents was 119 employees who are determined through the census technique, while the data analysis technique used was Structural Equation Model. This study found some evidence that: Work satisfaction affects civil servant performance significantly, Organizational commitment affects civil servant performance significantly, OCB affects civil servant performance significantly, Work satisfaction affects OCB significantly, Organizational commitment affects OCB significantly, Work satisfaction affects civil servant performance significantly through OCB, and Organizational commitment affects civil servant performance significantly through OCB. And also OCB acts as a partial mediation between the effect of work satisfaction and organizational commitment on civil servant performance. These findings confirm the model of improving employee performance, which in fact to improve employee performance, the model still pays attention to the determining factors, namely work satisfaction and organizational commitment, where if these two factors can be improved it will affect OCB and will have an impact on improving employee performance.
Keywords: Work satisfaction, Organizational Commitment, OCB, Civil servant performance.
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Works Cited
Muhammad Ihsan, Nasir, Faisal. (2021). Work Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment in Affecting Ocb and Its Impact on Civil Servant Performance of Regional Secretariat of Pidie Jaya District. International Journal of Scientific and Management Research, 04(05), 190-200. doi: