The Influence of Strategic Leadership Style and Cognitive Behavior on Work Motivation and Its Impact on Organizational Performance in the Pidie Education Office

*Rezky Aulia Putra, Mukhlis, Said Musnadi
Management Department, Universitas Syiah Kuala, Indonesia


The purpose of this study is to see the effect of strategic leadership style and cognitive behavior on work motivation and their impact on organizational performance. The population in this study was all employees at the Education Office of Pidie Regency, Indonesia, as many as 353 people. The sampling technique used was the proportional stratified random sampling method and provided a total sample of as many as 187 people. The results show that of the 5 existing direct hypotheses all have a significant effect. The role of work motivation in the two indirect effects tested is partial mediating. Therefore, the organizational performance improvement model in this research has proven can be implemented in the Pidie Education Office, namely by applying the right strategic leadership style, appropriate cognitive behavior, and high work motivation, it will be able to improve the performance of the Pidie Education Office. The findings also prove that on a direct influence, strategic leadership style is the strongest variable that can influence the improvement of organizational performance compared to cognitive behavior style and work motivation, while on an indirect influence, cognitive behavior is more able to influence organizational performance improvement by utilizing work motivation as a mediator, compared to strategic leadership style which also uses work motivation as a mediator variable. For further researchers can develop this model tested using moderating variables related to gender or age so that a sub-group analysis can be carried out to find out more specific about the employee behavior according to age group and gender group, so the information must be very useful for management in conducting more customized interventions in each of these subgroups.

Keywords: Strategic Leadership Style, Cognitive Behavior, Work Motivation, Organizational Performance.


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Works Cited

Rezky Aulia Putra, Mukhlis, Said Musnadi. (2021). The Influence of Strategic Leadership Style and Cognitive Behavior on Work Motivation and Its Impact on Organizational Performance in the Pidie Education Office. International Journal of Scientific and Management Research, 04(05), 214-224. doi: