The Effect of Transformational Leadership and Organizational Support on Member Performance and Its Impact on Performance: Study in Kodam Iskandar Muda
*Mahesa Fitriadi, Muhammad Adam, Mukhlis
Program Studi Magister Manajemen, Universitas Syiah Kuala, 23111, Indonesia
This study is to examine and analyze the effect of transformational leadership and organizational support on member performance and its impact on organizational performance. The object is the Military Command (Kodam) Iskandar Muda which operates in Aceh. The population is as much as 412 personnel, and the sample is taken based on the stratified random sampling method, which results in a number of 320 respondents, and researchers add it to be 350 respondents. The research model is analyzed using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) with the help of Amos software. The results finds that transformational leadership significantly affects the performance of members, organizational support significantly affects the performance of members, transformational leadership significantly affects performance of the Kodam Iskandar Muda, organizational support significantly affects performance of the Kodam Iskandar Muda, the member performance significantly affects performance of the Kodam Iskandar Muda Kodam, transformational leadership affects performance of the Kodam Iskandar Muda through member performance, and organizational support affects performance of the Kodam Iskandar Muda through member performance. These findings contribute academically, especially in the renewal of the theory of causality and can be a reference for practical leaders, especially those in the Kodam Iskandar Muda. The novelty of this research lies in the combination of previous causality research models, with new objects. The limitation of the study is the number of variables studied and the scope of the study.
Keyword: Transformational Leadership, Organizational Support, Individual Performance, Organizational Performance.
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Works Cited
Mahesa Fitriadi, Muhammad Adam, Mukhlis. (2021). The Effect of Transformational Leadership and Organizational Support on Member Performance and Its Impact on Performance: Study in Kodam Iskandar Muda. International Journal of Scientific and Management Research, 04(05), 201-213. doi: