E-WOM As Mediation Of The Influence Of Budget Room, Service Quality, And Brand Personality On Re-Stay Intention Of Reddoorz Hotel Guests In Banda Aceh

*Athika Irmayana, Sorayanti Utami, Syafruddin
Management Department, Universitas Syiah Kuala, Indonesia
DOI – http://doi.org/10.37502/IJSMR.2021.4511


Consumers in certain segments choose hotels with relatively affordable prices (low budget) so that many hotels that offer hotel rooms with low budget, facilities, and good service quality become the target of consumers to be chosen. This condition makes accommodation providers compete to provide the best facilities and services but still at affordable prices (low budget). The purpose of this study is to see the effect of Budget Room, Service Quality, and Brand Personality on E-WOM, and its impact on Re-stay Intention of Reddoorz Hotel guests, in Banda Aceh city, Indonesia. The population in this study was all guests of the Reddoorz Hotel in Banda Aceh, whose number was infinite. Sample taken used a sampling technique with a method of at least 5 times the number of indicator variables. The number of indicators in this study was 41 indicators so that there were 205 samples. The results showed that of the 7 existing direct hypotheses all had a significant effect. The results show the independent variables in this study, namely Budget Room, Service Quality, Brand Personality and E-WOM are appropriate as the determinants of re-stay intention. And, the result that the E-Word of Mouth variable can mediate the effect of the Budget Room, Service Quality, Brand Personality on Re-stay Intention. Overall, because the direct influences of these three indirect influences are significant, the roles of E-WOM in that three indirect hypothesis models are categorized as partial mediators. These findings confirm that the hypothesized models apply to an increase in re-stay intention among Reddoorz Hotel consumers in Banda Aceh. The novelty lies in the simultaneous combination of increasing re-stay intention among Reddoorz Hotel consumers in Banda Aceh, where the role of factors such as Budget Room, Service Quality, Brand Personality are needed, and as well as E-Wom which also functions as an independent factor and mediator. Further researchers can develop this tested model by adding other variables such as Brand Trust and Customer Experience.

Keywords: Budget Room, Service Quality, Brand Personality, E-Wom, Re-stay Intention.


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