Author:  Abdul Rahman, Andra Refina Muren, Ma’mun Murod Al-Barasy

Abstract: Cek & Ricek is a TV program broadcasted by RCTI that delivers the news around the life of the Indonesian celebrities on a daily basis. With the presence of Industrial Revolution 4.0, Cek & Ricek that has been produced by Bintang Advis Multimedia Company has undergone a transition from the print media to the online digital media and even to the YouTube Channel. In relation to the statement, the Industrial Revolution 4.0 has been spoken widely in the domain of manufacturing industries but the figures who have spoken it are the national ones with various background of profession; consequently, the identity of the mass media program has transitioned within its delivery to the society. Due to the content transition within the media, the researchers are compelled to review and discuss the identify of Cek & Ricek in introducing its YouTube Channel to the society. In conducting the study, the method that has been selected is the descriptive qualitative one using the case study. Then, in gathering the necessary data, the researchers have conducted a structured interview to the respondents. The interview has been conducted online based on the agreement between the researchers and the sources whom the researchers have selected for the purpose of the study. Thus, the data sources that the researchers have used are the information from several sources who have been interviewed. The results of the study show that the YouTube Channel has been selected by Cek & Ricek as the media of transition from the print media to the digital media due to the rapid current development. With regards to the statement, there are three important aspects that influence the marketing communication namely push strategy, pull strategy, and pass strategy. Within the context of the study, the three important aspects do not seem to influence the promotion for the YouTube Channel of Cek & Ricek since the 21-year existence of the media has facilitated the introduction of the channel. Departing from the above explanation, it is apparent that the role of the YouTube Channel as a promotion media holds a very significant role in reaching out the readers of Cek & Ricek print media, which has been terminated by the publication due to the transition into the digital media platform.