The Effect Of Learning Organization And Leadership On Organizational Commitment And Its Impact On Personnel Performance Of Kodam Im Operation Assistant

Author: Wawan Erawan, Mukhlis, Said Musnadi Indonesia.

Abstract:This study was conducted to examine the influence model of learning organization and leadership on organizational commitment and its impact on personnel performance of the Military Command of Iskandar Muda (Kodam IM) Operation Assistant. The population is all 132 personnel of Kodam IM Operation Assistant. The research sample took all population personnel (census method). The research model was tested using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The results of the study prove that there is an influence of the learning organization on the performance of the Kodam IM Operation Assistant, there is a leadership influence on the personnel performance of the Kodam IM Operation Assistant, there is an influence of learning organization on the organizational commitment of the Kodam IM Operation Assistant, there is an influence of organizational commitment on personnel performance of Kodam IM Operation Assistant, there is no indirect influence of learning organization on personnel performance through the organizational commitment of Kodam IM Operation Assistant, there is no indirect influence of leadership on personnel performance through the organizational commitment of Kodam IM Operation Assistant. All of these test results explain that organizational learning, leadership, and organizational commitment are predictors for improving the personnel performance of Kodam IM Operation Assistant. However, organizational commitment in the research model does not act as a mediating variable, so that the learning organization and leadership variables should directly affect performance. These findings contribute to the world of academia where it can become a new premise. The novelty lies in the form of a research model which is a combination of the findings of previous results. Academically, the results of this study also have implications for further model development. In the future, other researchers can complement or add variables to the research model that has been tested, such as the variable corporate citizenship behavior as a mediation.