Employee Engagement of Bank Mandiri Dumai Area (Comparative Analysis between Generation X and Y of Employees)
Author: Yusran Very, Said Musnadi, Nadirsyah Indonesia
Abstract:This research is to analyze the effect of career development on employee engagement, the effect of employee engagement on turnover intentions, and the level of employee engagement between Generation X and Generation Y, and the level of employee engagement between male and female employees. The sampling technique used was census with 191 employees as the size of respondents, while the data analysis technique used was a simple regression analysis. This research found several premises, there were: career development had a positive effect on employee engagement; employee engagement had a negative effect on turnover intentions; there was a significant difference in the level of employee engagement between generation X and generation Y employees where the level of engagement of generation X employees was higher when compared to the level of engagement of generation Y employees; there was no significant difference in the level of employee engagement between male employees and female employees even though the level of engagement of male employees was higher when compared to the level of engagement of female employees. Thus, turnover intention can be minimized by enhancing employee career development and employee engagement with the company. It turns out that employee engagement can also be explained by the different level of engagement that exists based on the generation of employees belonging to generation X and generation Y. These results figure out Bank Mandiri Dumai turnover employee model condition, so this research model is expected can be applied to minimize the turnover employees of Bank Mandiri Dumai.