The Effect of Work Motivation on Job Performance through Improving Job Involvement and Organizational Commitment as Mediators : Study in Pt. Bank Aceh Syariah Sigli
Author: Jufriadi, Faisal, and T.Meldi Kusuma, Indonesia
Abstract:This paper aims to examine several factors that have an impact on employee performance. Authors assumed that employee motivation, involvement and organizational commitment were the several strong factors that influence employee performance. To obtain the accurate and relevant data and information needed for this research, authors conducted a series of research directly at PT. Bank Aceh Syariah Sigli. The sample used was 126 employees. Data was analyzed through Structural Equation Modeling as a statistical method. The result of the study proves that work motivation has a significant impact on job performance, job involvement and organizational commitment of employees, job involvement and organizational commitment of employees have a positive and significant impact on employee job performance. Employee job involvement does not mediate the effect of work motivation on employee job performance while the organizational commitment of the employee mediates the effect of work motivation on employee job performance at PT. Bank Aceh Syariah Sigli. These findings can contribute academically, especially to renew the causality theories and also become a reference for practical leaders, especially those in the PT. Bank Aceh Syariah Sigli. The novelty lies in the integration of previous causality research models, and also in using PT. Bank Aceh Syariah Sigli as a new object. The interesting issue in the research model resides in the use of the job involvement and organizational commitment as mediators. The limitation of the study is the number of variables studied and also the scope.