The Effect of Training and Competence on Employee Commitment and Its Impact on Employee Performance in Department of Education of Pidie District

Author: Teuku Fakhruriza, A Rahman Lubis and Sofyan Idris, Indonesia

Abstract: This study aims to explain the effect of training and competence on employee commitment and its impact on employee performance. The object is the Department of Education of Pidie District, Indonesia. The variables are training and competency on employee commitment and its impact on employee performance, and the research sample is taken with census technique, as much as population that is 93 respondents. Data is analyzed with Path Analysis. The result finds that training and competence of employees both simultaneously and partially have a significant effect on employee commitment and employee performance in Department of Education of Pidie District. The result also finda that the commitment of employees affects the performance of employees in Department of Education of Pidie District. Mediation effect testing concludes that the training and competence of employees have a positive and significant effect on employee performance with the employee commitment in Department of Education of Pidie District.