The Effect of Service Quality, Word Of Mouth and Hedonic Product Customization on Hedonic Customer Value and Its Impact on Customer Repurchase Intention of Rsudza Executive Polyclinic Patients
Author: Zulfahmi, Jasman J. Ma’ruf, and Syafruddin, Indonesia
Abstract:The buying process has become an important part of changing consumer lives related to the constant changes in the environment. The purpose of this study is to see the effect of service quality, WOM, hedonic product customization (HPC) on Hedonic Customer Value (HCV) and Customer Repurchase Intention (CRI). The research population is the patients of the Dr. Zainoel Abidin General Hospital (RSUDZA) Executive Polyclinic that is located in Banda Aceh. Its sampling technique category is the non-probability sampling, where the number of population is unknown. The authors took a sample of 205 people, and used the covenience technique to established the respondents. The results shows that all the direct hypotheses are significant because they have the CR and P values that meet the specified requirements. The results of all indirect hypotheses tests namely the effect of service quality, WOM and HPC each on CRI through HCV, do not occur indirectly. In other words, HCV has not been able to act as a mediating variable. Thus the improvements of each independent variable, related to increase the CRI are only effective when done through direct effects rather than indirect effects using HCV as mediation. The tested model also proves the service quality provides the greatest contribution to the improvement of the CRI. This novelty can be used as a reference in solving problems related to CRI and can contribute to the realm of science especially management. The updated model can influence further research to develop more variables.