The Effect of Service Quality on Brand Loyalty through Patient Satisfaction and Word Of Mouth: Study in Rsudza General Hospital

Author: Rahmad Rizal, Syafruddin and Teuku Roli Ilhamsyah Putra, Indonesia

Abstract:Many companies that have strong brand loyalty experience the repeat purchases of their products and services despite the fact that there is a change in price or convenience. The purpose of this study is to look at the effect of service quality on brand loyalty through patient satisfaction and word of mouth. The population in this study were all patients in the Executive Poly in General Hospital of Zainoel Abidin (RSUDZA) located in Banda Aceh. This study uses a convenience sampling method, namely sampling based on the availability of elements and the ease of getting it randomly. The selected respondents were patients at the polyclinic executive at RSUDZA. The number of sample is 205 respondents. The result shows that of the 6 direct hypotheses available, all of them are significant and accepted because they have Critical Ratio (CR) and Probability (p) value that met the requirements. The results of indirect effect tests for the service quality on brand loyalty through patient satisfaction and the service quality on brand loyalty through word of mouth are not significant. The role of patient satisfaction and word of mouth in this case are as partial mediation. Sequence mediation testing places customer satisfaction and word of mouth as sequence partial mediation. This finding can be used as a reference for RSUDZA management to improve the Company’s Brand Loyalty, individually or sequentially, the role of customer satisfaction and word of mouth can be utilized as a mediating variable that mediates the effect of service quality on brand loyalty. The discussion provides some managerial implications.