The Effect of Role Conflictand Workload on Employee Performance Mediated by Work Stress : Study on Aceh Financial Management Board

Author: Nani Wahyuni, Said Musnadi and Faisal, Indonesia

Abstract: This study aims to see the effect of role conflict and workload on employee performance mediated by work stress. The object is all employees at the Aceh Financial Management Board (BPKA). This research has population as much as 130 people, and sample is taken using cencus method, so the sample is as much as population, 130 respondents. The results after testing prove that role conflict affects the performance of employees, workload does not affect the performance of employees, conflict of role affects the work stress of employees, workload affects the work stress of employees, work stress affects the performance of employees, work stress mediates partially the influence of role conflict on the performance of employees, and work stress mediates fully the effect of workload on the performance of employees of the Aceh Financial Management Board. These all results are the novelty in building the model developed, and the object is also the new one. The limitation lies in the scope of research, with one object. This model can be a reference both for academician and practical persons. For academic, this model provides the new premises of causality theories based from the previous ones. For the practical, this model is a reference to formulate and develop the policies in human resource management field.