The Effect Of Organizational Culture, Work Environment And Incentive On Employee Performance And Its Impact On The Performance Of Banda Aceh Government Health Department
Author: Elyta Fitri, Said Musnadi, and Syafruddin, Indonesia
Abstract:The quality of employees in their performance is one of the most important factors in efforts to improve organizational performance. This study aims to look at organizational culture, work environment and incentive for organizational performance both directly and through employee performance as a mediating variable. The population of this study is all employees of the Banda Aceh Government Health Department as much as 334 people. Sample is taken using probability sampling technique where all members of the population have the same opportunity to be selected as a sample, and by Slovin provides as much as 182 respondents. The results shows that from the 7 direct hypotheses, 6 are accepted and 1 hypothesis is not significant, namely the effect of the work environment on organizational performance. It has CR and P values which do not meet the requirements. The results of direct and indirect hypothesis testing of organizational culture and incentive for organizational performance through employee performance are significant. Employee performance in this case acts as a partial mediating. These all findings contribute to both academic and practical area. The model has proven and becomes a reference to other researchers and practical leaders especially the people that involve in the research object. From the test results of the hypotheses, it is proven that incentive has the largest beta coefficient figures which can be described as the biggest triggers in encouraging an increase in the formation of employee performance. The limitations of this study resides in the scope of object and variables. Some of managerial implications are mapped in the conclusion.