The Effect of Organizational Commitment and Job Satisfaction on Employee Performance and its Implication on the Performance of PT. PLN (Persero) Banda Aceh

Author: Mukhlis, Said Musnadi and Nadia Ridwan, Indonesia

Abstract: This study is to prove the effect of commitment and job satisfaction on employee performance and its implication on organizational performance. The object is PT PLN (Persero) in Banda Aceh Area, which in this study is caalled PT PLN (Persero) Banda Aceh. The population of this study is all employees who work at PT PLN (Persero) Banda Aceh. The total number of employees is 95 people consisting of 78 men and 17 women. Census technique is a sampling technique that is carried out in this study. The result describes several conclusions that are organizational commitment effects the performance of employees, job satisfaction effects the performance of employees, organizational commitment effects organizational performance, job satisfaction effects organizational performance, employee performance effects organizational performance, employee performance partially mediates the effect of organizational commitment on the organizational performance, and employee performance partially mediates the effect of job satisfaction on organizational performance of PT PLN (Persero) Banda Aceh. These all findings mean that the research model has proven and becomes the new premise and can contribute to the realm of sciencs. Also, the research has novelty that lies in the combination from the previous research model, and with the new object. The research limitation resides in the variable amount and its scope.