The Effect of Leadership Style, And Personality on Employee Involvement on Team Work with Service Orientation as Mediation: Study in Prison of Class Iib in Banda Aceh
Author: Mariska Selvia Dara, Muhammad Adam, and Syafruddin, Indonesia
Abstract:The purpose of this study to see the impact of style of leadership, employee involvement and personality to the service orientation and on teamwork. As the object of this study is the style of leadership, employee involvement, personality, service orientation and teamwork. The population in this study is all employees of Prison of Class IIB Banda Aceh which amounted to 140 people. Sampling with census method, it takes all population so it provides as many as 140 respondents. The result shows that leadership style effects services orientation, employee involvement effects service orientation, personality does not effect service orientation, leadership style effects team work, employee involvement effects team work, personality does not effect team work, team work effects orientation service, leadership style effects team work through the service orientation, employee involvement effects team work through the service orientation, and personality does not effect team work through service orientation in Prison of class II Banda Aceh. This research is successfully tested the model and develop the new premises of the causality theories. The novelty resides in providing the model, especially with service orientation that mediates the effect among variables, and with the new object. In this model also proves the service orientation has the largest beta coefficient value that can be described as the biggest trigger in promoting the formation of more solid teamwork and coherent.