The Effect Of Customer Value And Customer Relation On Customer Satisfaction And Its Impact On Customer Loyalty In Bank Aceh Syariah Sigli
Author: Taufiqurrahman, Permana Honeyta Lubis and Sorayanti Utami, Indonesia
Abstract:The purpose of this study is to find out the factors that affect customer loyalty. The variables of this research are customer value, customer relations, customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. Theobject is the customers of Bank Aceh Syariah in Branch of Sigli, Indonesia. The sample taken is 200 customers as respondents Data analysis equipment used in structural equation modeling (SEM) analysis with the help of the Amos program. This research results the proofs that the Customer value effects customer satisfaction, Customer relation affects customer satisfaction, Customer value affects customer loyalty, Customer relation affects customer loyalty, Customer satisfaction affects customer loyalty, Customer satisfaction mediates the effect of customer value on customer loyalty, Customer satisfaction mediates the effect of customer relation on customer loyalty. These all proofs contribute to the academic area, which can be the updates of causality theories. The model also can be useful for the practical people, especially for the object of this this research. The limitation of this research is in the amount of variables and with one object. The novelty lies in the integration theories from the previous ones.